Q: I want to know how to calculation of specific product energy savings. Can you provide data on the formula for calculating energy savings for individual items?

A: Per your question, if the “specific product” or “individual items” is referring to an EEM, please refer to retrofit isolation Options (option A or B) in IPMVP Core Concepts for associated formulas.

If a “specific product” or “individual items” are production outputs from an industrial process or facility with EEM’s implemented, an appropriate response to the first question could be whole facility ala Option C.   Perhaps an energy use indexing type approach could  be appropriate?   One calculation for energy savings to share from BPA’s M&V Energy Use Indexing Protocol version 2.0, July 2018 (available for download here), is:

 Energy Savings (kWh) = ((kWh/units)base – (kWh/units)post) * units


Energy savings refers to savings occurring during the reporting period.

Units is the normalizing variable, such as square feet, widgets produced, etc. The number of units must be measured over the same time period (and at the same intervals) as the corresponding energy use.

Each parameter (kWh, units) in the ratio, kWh/units, is either a total or an average aggregated over a period of time. Alternatively, the ratio may be the slope of a regression with units as the independent variable and kWh (or other energy use measure) as the dependent variable.

 Two other formula’s:

Percentage Savings (%) = ((kWh/units)base – (kWh/units)post) / (kWh/units)base

Per-Unit Savings = (kWh/units)base – (kWh/units)post

 With data collected during baseline (base) and post-project (post) time periods, one could develop an energy savings calculation for each “specific product” or an “individual item” output from the process or facility.

Q: "MEASUREMENT&VERIFICATION-ISSUES AND EXAMPLES" 2019 Is the material up to date? If you have document about option examples, please give me that material!

A: The examples in the 2019 document referenced are the latest published examples.  There will be additional, updated examples that will be released in upcoming IPMVP application guides.