EVO’s chairman, Pierre Langlois, is pleased to announce the recent nomination of Dr. Jan Rosenow and Mr. Donald Gilligan as members of the Board of Directors of EVO.

Jan is the director of European programmes at the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) where he leads RAP’s initiatives in Europe on power market design and Efficiency First. He is responsible for all aspects of leadership, management, and financial viability of RAP’s work in Europe. Dr. Rosenow serves on the Executive Committee of the International Energy Agency’s demand-side management program and sits on the board of the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy.

Donald is the President of the US National Association of Energy Services Companies (NAESCO). He is responsible for coordinating NAESCO's state advocacy activities as well as its relationships with other national and regional energy efficiency organizations. Mr. Gilligan has worked in the energy efficiency industry since 1975, as a consultant, entrepreneur, and state government official. He is the author and co-author of several reports on energy efficiency and the growth of the ESCO industry, which have been published by NAESCO and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

EVO wishes to thank Patty Fong, who has been serving on the Board of EVO over the past year. Patty announced her resignation earlier this year effective in May. Before leaving the board, Patty accepted to lead a stakeholder survey and to initiate the discussions leading to EVO’s next three-year strategic plan. We also thank Patty for providing key strategic advice over the past year.